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We have designed this model, in order to produce small coils lengths (5, 10, 25, 50 meters) and for winding up cables onto coils, having a length of 100 meters, according to the diameter of the cable. It can work both with a Defilé Unwinding system (Flyer Pay Off), as well as with a Motorized Pay Off stand (Deroulé system), or with both these two Unwinding systems.
The wound up coils are sold in Department stores, shopping centers, where the quality of stratification and the final product shape are fundamental features. For getting these excellent results, coils are tied up diametrally, conveyed to the Oven Unit and wrapped up by using thermoshrinking film, in Polypropylene (P.P). At the exit of the Oven, a label is printed and applied on the product, showing the required products details.